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The music video of a female virtuoso trio and an impressively dark story...My first collaboration with director Karel Březina...


  • Ctibor Pouba


  • Eallin Animation


  • Karel Březina

  • Jan. J. Filip
    Camera & DOP

  • Jan Černý

  • Jan Brukner
    3D Matte painter
    Animation / VFX Artist

What I Did

  • Environment design

  • Photography

  • 3D Matte painting

  • Visual effects (VFX)


Attractive Greta
in a sensual entanglement
and the dark noir clip she walks through...

...gently walking the story between light and darkness in which it can drown? A short collaboration on a visually arresting music video with a cinematic story…


The noir music video directed by Karel Březina with cinematography by Jan J. Filip was a pleasant surprise during my first encounter with the footage. In 2009, it was something quite exceptional for Czech standards. The high quality image from the Panavision Genesis camera (and Panavision Primo lens)  was interspersed with very precise and visually creative post-production/colour grading by Jan Černý and careful preproduction by director Karel Březina.

For this clip I was invited as a 3D matte painter, VFX creator. I was tasked with three basic (animated) locations. These were three different matte paint techniques.


How did the whole project come about?
Previews of the concepts, matte painting, 3D animation and VFX...


The most challenging scene was the location of a fictional (magical realistic) skyline and view of the city of Hamburg. I tried to connect the whole clip and give the place a mysterious and slightly sinister atmosphere. I based it on photographs I took in Prague for this purpose. Matte Paint was created using the 3D projection method. To bring it to life I created simple animations of seagulls, floating ships, flying air particles, atmosphere and animated CGI water. The scene was then animated with a 3D camera. All in Cinema 4D. I prepared the recomposition in the professional compositing program Fusion.

STREET in "HAMBURG" (Prague)

The next scene was the "love alley", in which was the apartment of the voluptuous Greta, the performer of the oldest craft. With a little humour, I can reveal that the basis for the realisation of this setting was a photograph I took in Prague, a district with buildings used by the "Czech political royalty".


The last location is the panoramic view from Gréta's apartment, which here dreamily blends with the skin colours of the horizon and in the last scene leaves with the reds of drama. Corresponding to the denouement of the dark story of the music video from the head of Karel Březina.

In addition to matte painting, I did camera tracking, animation and scene precompositions. You can see how I progressed and tackled each scene in the attached making of above. It was an above average production and a very pleasant collaboration.


idea maker
visual  artist
creative director

Contact me

  • CELL : +420 721235897
  • MAIL : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

    Prague / Czech Republic
    Central Europe

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